Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Finally in Sweden!

Hej Hej!
We arrived with in Stockholm safely and hit the ground running! We are staying in a hostel in Uppsala, and there are several other guests here as well. We have spent a ton of time out in the city already, and it is completely stunning. My team and I are still recovering from sleep deprivation, but we have already had some amazing experiences. Today we went onto an area of campus in pairs, and started some conversations with Swedes. It was completely amazing to actually be doing the work that we have been waiting so long to do! My teammate and I had good conversation with two girls, and we plan to meet up with them later this week. Praise the Lord for His the opportunities that He has given us to serve Him here, and for the way that He is guiding us through our time here! It's 11:18pm here, so I need to cut this blog short, but more to come later! -Mere


  1. Woot! Yay Ned! Excited to read more. Praying for you and your team.

  2. Hey Sweetheart,
    Glad to hear from you. Keep it up as often as you can. We love and miss you; but are glad you have this opportunity. Everything is good here. Kevin is here for the weekend and it is good to get to know him a little bit. Can't wait to hear more. Love you, Mom

  3. Hey Skip,
    Just thinking of you. I'm praying for you, and I love you! Please remember not to drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.
